Economic Space TV Season 1
ECSA crew discussing the chapters, key themes and interesting topics within and around the ECSA economic paper “Protocols for Postcapitalist Expression”, coming out this spring as a book from Minor Compositions/Autonomedia.
Episode 1: Ch1 Introduction
Episode 2: Ch2 From Capitalist to Post-Capitalist Economy: Transcending Hayek and his Digital Disciples
Episode 3: A New Definition of Surplus / the 12 Magic Gifts of the ECSA Economy
Episode 4 Ch3: Market as a space exchange and a space of communication
Episode 5 Ch4: Performance
Episode 6 Ch5: Stake as the Key to Value
Episode 7: Ch6: Synthetic Commons
ECSA Zoom2 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83493028036
April 26, 2022
Post-Capitalist Economic Expression
Akseli Virtanen explaining why it has been so exciting for him to be part of the Economic Space Agency project, relentlessly exploring what happens to money, market, price, unit of account, store of value, collateral, issuance, credit, investing, clearing, liquidity, the dealer function… when we start to understand them just as shared messaging and networking protocols. What becomes possible then? What becomes possible if we can actually turn these interaction agreements into a design space? If the economy and its key conventions move onto a programmable medium? If we can think of economy as a language or a medium of expression that allows its participants to set the terms of their finance, of economic interaction and valuations?
January 3, 2021
A New Economic Grammar: Designing Social Derivatives with Economic Space Agency
A podcast with Akseli Virtanen (@econaut6), one of the founders of the Economic Space Agency (@ecospaceagency), an organization for exploring protocols for post-capitalist economic expression. Akseli previously founded the decentralized hedge fund Robin Hood Cooperative and has been referred as The Andy Warhol of Finance. During the interview we talk about how ECSA is exploring the creation of post-capitalist economic media through the creation of a new “economic grammar”, how we can co-opt financial jargon to imagine a post-capitalist future (like social derivatives), and the irony of using the work of Friedrich Hayek on economic calculation to show that capitalism sucks. If you’re interested in the social and political possibilities of the blockchain space, it’s absolutely imperative that you keep up with the work of ECSA.
September 21, 2020
What comes after DeFi?
What Comes After Decentralized Finance?
‘DeFi’ is a hot topic in the cryptospace but often reproduces conventional financial and capitalist organizational forms. Could financial protocols be used also to create non-exploitative forms of production and risking-together? This is what ECSA is proposing in their economic paper “The Economic Space Protocol: Towards Protocols for Post-Capitalist Economic Expression”
A discussion with Dick Bryan (University of Sydney, ECSA) and Akseli Virtanen (Economic Space Agency) on what comes after DeFi? What is that new thing that the native properties of the emerging p2p networking technology actually make possible (vs. doing the same finance just with a more capable substrate)?
In the discussion Dick and Akseli propose an answer: a post-capitalist economic media. But what does that mean? It means the production of many different “values” and the use of DeFi-like money market, credit, staking & exchange protocols for collateralizing, circulating and allowing many different kinds of values (like for example care, research, the environment, open source….) to access the accounting system, become stakeable, and conceptualized as “surplus”.
The economic networking protocols ECSA has designed allow the expression of any informational event or activity (and their compositions) as a value proposition, their encoding into a token form and entering into a value accounting, staking and circulation system. This is called “performance” in the economic paper; and the paper outlines a value theory of performance.
The Economic Space Protocol forms (A) a partition resistant & scalable market place [distributed exchange protocol] (B) a distributed payment & settlement network [distributed credit issuance & clearance protocol], and (C) distributed risk-sharing/ownership formation network [distributed equity protocol] among n-parties for these multi-dimensional value performances and their productions.
By doing this it also allows the expression of distributed production organization around these values (kind of like DAOs… but more expressible, composable, flexible, granular i.e. where multiple agents can at the same time participate in the design and operating of shared ownership/risk-sharing structures).
Together these capabilities combine into a new medium, or a new grammar, for economic-organizational expression. It is a new kind of internet native and very expressive economic platform for the information age.
The nature of our “economy” (our economic-organizational composition) is bound by the expressivity of the language that can conceive it. We have created a much more expressive language/medium – which is free to use and gives everyone the same capacities of expression – to describe and participate in our economic-organizational formations.
MoneyLab #9 Playgrounds for Post-Capitalism, Helsinki September 19-20, 2020. moneylab9.m-cult.org/