October 14,2020
economic media, expression, Jon, JonathanBeller, post-capitalism
Economic Media: Crypto as a New Medium of Economic Expression
Just like social networking applications gave us social media, economic networking applications will give us ECONOMIC MEDIA. How we relate to each other economically will be remediated by applications (formats, templates, protocols) in the same sense that our social relations already are. Crowdfunding, P2P lending, cryptocurrencies, DAOs and DeFi, liquidity and community farming, are just the first baby steps of this transformation.
Social media horizontalized our communication, but left the information and protocol layer called the economy untouched. We can’t control the economic protocols that underpin the value capture of our communication. The next generation media will redesign the default convergence of communication, finance and computation, and fuse messaging and economy in ways that are programmable from below.
We want to create a more expressive language to describe our economic networks, their participants, the nature of their relations and how they change, what they value, how it is measured and exchanged. An ECONOMIC GRAMMAR which open and free to use, gives everyone equal capacities of economic expression and does not collapse into single universal value definition of a fiat money or a “master token”.
15 Oct 2019
CESSUMMIT2019, cryptoeconomics, Dick, Dickbryan, expression, liquidity, MIT, protocol, staking, value, video
“Economic Protocols for Liquidity Creation, Staking & Value Expression” MIT PROTOCOLS FOR A CRYPTOECONOMIC NETWORK
“We are existing inside a capitalist Economy, and at the same time trying to create an alternative to the capitalist economy. (…) We are not a sect. We are trying to say this alternative Economy has to have porous boundaries.
This ECSA economy will come alongside commodity exchanges that individual people will do in a capitalist society. The porosity of the boundary adds complexity to the analysis. What we had to worked towards is – How can we not quarantine this total economy? How can we give privilege to a certain set of metrics that will give people the pursuing individual goals and incentives to pursue things that are not driven by profitability? So we are not adverse to individualism, but we can decouple indivudualism from profitability.
We believe inside all people there is a desire to do social good, but the problem with the profit system is that it doesn’t give oxygen to do that. We are saying we are designing something that will encorage and nurture people to do social good.”
(from min 6:29)
October 2019
Towards Post-Capitalism
This article discusses a crucial tool that we work with: the notion of a grammar pervading the protocols of Economy.
As all our efforts go into the creation of a language for new forms of economic expression, it should be noted that although ECSA’s grammar is capable of expressing capitalist network protocols, it effectively surpasses them. It can encompass capitalist value calculus, but express more qualified values. The grammar we propose refuse their collapse into the monological value-expression that disqualifies non-money values as economic externalities.