Akselivirtanen, Dickbryan, grammar, metapragmatics, podcast, Vision
ECSA Vision: Economic grammar for the information age (podcast)
At Supermarkt Berlin Prof. Dick Bryan (Chief Economist, ECSA) and Akseli Virtanen (Co-Founder ECSA) discuss causes of central bank fragility and fungible approaches towards capitalist protocols. ECSA’s upcoming White Paper took on the remit of a much needed new economic grammar that intensifies liquidity and relationality in peer-to-peer stakeholding.
October 2019
Crypto-Political Economy. Transcending Hayek and his digital disciples
Is cryptoeconomy just a refinement and acceleration of a capitalist economy or can it create a new understanding of Economy? This article explains how it could be either or, indeed both, by introducing the chapter “Crypto-Political Economy” of our upcoming white paper.
“The technology permits both capitalist and social versions to be designed centrally or in a distributed way. In both cases, there are clear cost and speed advantages of cryptoeconomic platforms because of the absence of need for central clearing houses, and we see large corporations and states adopting the technology for fast, low cost and accurate record keeping.”
October 2019
Towards Post-Capitalism
This article discusses a crucial tool that we work with: the notion of a grammar pervading the protocols of Economy.
As all our efforts go into the creation of a language for new forms of economic expression, it should be noted that although ECSA’s grammar is capable of expressing capitalist network protocols, it effectively surpasses them. It can encompass capitalist value calculus, but express more qualified values. The grammar we propose refuse their collapse into the monological value-expression that disqualifies non-money values as economic externalities.
September 2019
Podcast: Transcending Hayek and his digital disciples.
Akseli and Dick discussing premises of the upcoming ECSA economic white paper: Economy as a network. Capitalism as a narrow definition of a network. Hayek and his digital disciples. Price, market and the rule of profit as a protocol. How to challenge a capitalist protocol? At the core of the ECSA project: The creation of a post-capitalist economic grammar.