Economic Space TV Season 1
ECSA crew discussing the chapters, key themes and interesting topics within and around the ECSA economic paper “Protocols for Postcapitalist Expression”, coming out this spring as a book from Minor Compositions/Autonomedia.
Episode 1: Ch1 Introduction
Episode 2: Ch2 From Capitalist to Post-Capitalist Economy: Transcending Hayek and his Digital Disciples
Episode 3: A New Definition of Surplus / the 12 Magic Gifts of the ECSA Economy
Episode 4 Ch3: Market as a space exchange and a space of communication
Episode 5 Ch4: Performance
Episode 6 Ch5: Stake as the Key to Value
Episode 7: Ch6: Synthetic Commons
ECSA Zoom2 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83493028036
January 3, 2021
A New Economic Grammar: Designing Social Derivatives with Economic Space Agency
A podcast with Akseli Virtanen (@econaut6), one of the founders of the Economic Space Agency (@ecospaceagency), an organization for exploring protocols for post-capitalist economic expression. Akseli previously founded the decentralized hedge fund Robin Hood Cooperative and has been referred as The Andy Warhol of Finance. During the interview we talk about how ECSA is exploring the creation of post-capitalist economic media through the creation of a new “economic grammar”, how we can co-opt financial jargon to imagine a post-capitalist future (like social derivatives), and the irony of using the work of Friedrich Hayek on economic calculation to show that capitalism sucks. If you’re interested in the social and political possibilities of the blockchain space, it’s absolutely imperative that you keep up with the work of ECSA.
September 19, 2020
Economic Media
From social media to economic media? Social media horizontalized our communication, but left the information & protocol layer called the economy untouched. Could we reimagine finance in order to create different socialities?
A discussion with Geert Lovink (Institute of Network Cultures) and Jonathan Beller (Economic Space Agency, Pratt Institute) and Akseli Virtanen (Economic Space Agency).
MoneyLab #9 Playgrounds for Post-Capitalism, Helsinki September 19-20, 2020. moneylab9.m-cult.org/
October 14,2020
economic media, expression, Jon, JonathanBeller, post-capitalism
Economic Media: Crypto as a New Medium of Economic Expression
Just like social networking applications gave us social media, economic networking applications will give us ECONOMIC MEDIA. How we relate to each other economically will be remediated by applications (formats, templates, protocols) in the same sense that our social relations already are. Crowdfunding, P2P lending, cryptocurrencies, DAOs and DeFi, liquidity and community farming, are just the first baby steps of this transformation.
Social media horizontalized our communication, but left the information and protocol layer called the economy untouched. We can’t control the economic protocols that underpin the value capture of our communication. The next generation media will redesign the default convergence of communication, finance and computation, and fuse messaging and economy in ways that are programmable from below.
We want to create a more expressive language to describe our economic networks, their participants, the nature of their relations and how they change, what they value, how it is measured and exchanged. An ECONOMIC GRAMMAR which open and free to use, gives everyone equal capacities of economic expression and does not collapse into single universal value definition of a fiat money or a “master token”.
October 2019
Crypto-Political Economy. Transcending Hayek and his digital disciples
Is cryptoeconomy just a refinement and acceleration of a capitalist economy or can it create a new understanding of Economy? This article explains how it could be either or, indeed both, by introducing the chapter “Crypto-Political Economy” of our upcoming white paper.
“The technology permits both capitalist and social versions to be designed centrally or in a distributed way. In both cases, there are clear cost and speed advantages of cryptoeconomic platforms because of the absence of need for central clearing houses, and we see large corporations and states adopting the technology for fast, low cost and accurate record keeping.”