15 November 2024
Protocols for postcapitalist finance: A reply
A reply to William Morgan’s review just out in Finance & Society (Cambridge University Press):
Protocols for Postcapitalist Expression is a book published by members of the Economic Space Agency. Its objective is to frame protocols (social agreements) on which to build the conditions for an economic system that is distributed (no centralised control) and can express network views about what constitutes, and how to measure, ‘value’ (value beyond profit). An insightful review by William Morgan (2024) probes some key dimensions of our project. This reply both reframes some of William’s insights and takes issue with others, especially those which emphasise a Hayekian interpretation.
15 November 2024
Designing postcapitalist finance in Protocols for Postcapitalist Expression
A review by William Morgan fresh out of press in the Finance & Society Journal (Cambridge University Press):
Protocols for Postcapitalist Expression, the Economic Space Agency’s latest experiment in radical economic design, explores the possibility of designing a digitally native economy that is geared towards care, the arts, and the environment, and which not only refuses to give up on the financial frontiers of contemporary capitalism, but actively seeks to marshal them towards innovative ends. The architecture of a novel economic space comes into view through a set of protocols, which integrate economic information within a social value framework. This ‘Economic Space Protocol’ involves crafting a new grammar for economic information production processes that have traditionally been tied to competitive market behavior. This essay interrogates the place of finance in the book, emphasizing price discovery’s generativity with regards to information. What is necessary in the imagination of any postcapitalist future are radical design initiatives that contend with both the necessity and the limits of the price discovery process.
December 6, 2023
Living in the spread. How to generate a postcapitalist economic network?
We are releasing the Protocols for Postcapitalist Expression as an open access experience — with audio, PDF & ePub versions available, modifiable mood-lighting & fonts, integrated footnotes and a glossary, everything also in mobile — but in a way that rethinks the economic space of open access publishing and experiments with a postcapitalist business model for it. There, the participants become co-conspirators and co-publishers of the book, fragmented into “units’’ which become publicly readable as they get co-published — and which, in themselves, possess generative capacities i.e. capacities to actually create and curate the emerging network. The play is to transform the book into a living discourse of postcapitalist expression and to open the network generation as a political-economic performance and a choreography.
May 21, 2024
Authoring futures
A recording of the discussion on postcapitalist economic-organizational expression held on Tuesday 21.5.2024 18-20, at The House of Text, Helsinki.
“To change our economy we need to change our economic language, for the nature of our economy is bound by the expressivity of the language that can conceive it.”
The recently published book Protocols for Postcapitalist Expression (Minor Compositions / Autonomedia, 2023) by Dick Bryan, Jorge Lopez and Akseli Virtanen has been said to be a major contribution in pushing political economy into the information age and opening economics to politics.
The book argues that money is a very interesting networking technology and an interoperability protocol. Furthermore, it shows how the recent developments in distributed computation and record keeping have given us now the ability to create – in a decentralized way – similar economic collaboration protocols as money has historically been. Yet to unlock the full potentiality of an informationally mediated economy and the autonomist politics it could enable, we need a new understanding of the economy: understanding economy as a network — a group of agents interacting according to certain shared understanding about the relations that make the network and its state — and opening these interaction protocols as a design and expression space for everyone.
Crypto-political Economy (Podcast)
If we understand the protocols of Economy being formulated by a set of correlating grammars, how do we re-approproate and transform them towards a post-capitalist version? Regarding the conjunction of Economy and Politics on the agenda, it should be noted that although ECSA’s grammar is capable of expressing capitalist network protocols, it effectively surpasses them. It can encompass capitalist value calculus, but express more qualified values. The grammar we propose refuses their collapse into the monological value-expression that disqualifies non-money values as economic externalities.
Duration: 1h
3 oct. 2019
article, cryptoeconomics, defi, medium, postcapitalism, protocols, valuecalculus
Towards Post-Capitalism: A Language for New Economic Expression
In the course of writing the upcoming white paper Protocols for Cryptoeconomic Networks, we have realized that we are creating a language for new economic expression. It can express capitalist network protocols, but even more, it can go beyond them. It is capable of valuing, for example, the biosphere, care, intangibles and social innovation — without reducing their information into one index of price and one measuring unit of profitability. It is a post-capitalist language (a language for post-capitalist economic expression), in a literal sense.
September 2019
Podcast: Transcending Hayek and his digital disciples.
Akseli and Dick discussing premises of the upcoming ECSA economic white paper: Economy as a network. Capitalism as a narrow definition of a network. Hayek and his digital disciples. Price, market and the rule of profit as a protocol. How to challenge a capitalist protocol? At the core of the ECSA project: The creation of a post-capitalist economic grammar.
September 2019
Podcast: An Economic grammar for the information age
What is the ECSA vision? Why is capitalism under stress right now? Why are the central banks looking so fragile? Is it possible to get out of capitalism and its detrimental protocols, which are not so safe as it claims? Can capitalism short itself? Find out about the juxtaposition of politics and finance: the ECSA offer as a short position and a long position.
September 2018
Network derivatives, synthetic indices, distributed value forms
This article discusses the discovering a new distributed value form and value calculus which are different to the capitalist commodity form and calculation of value…
“We have been working on a token which draws on frontier approaches to finance and valuation, accentuating liquid, derivative exposures. Our token issuance will remain in direct proportion to trends in the value of produced output.”