September 2019
Podcast: Transcending Hayek and his digital disciples.
Akseli and Dick discussing premises of the upcoming ECSA economic white paper: Economy as a network. Capitalism as a narrow definition of a network. Hayek and his digital disciples. Price, market and the rule of profit as a protocol. How to challenge a capitalist protocol? At the core of the ECSA project: The creation of a post-capitalist economic grammar.
September 2019
Podcast: An Economic grammar for the information age
What is the ECSA vision? Why is capitalism under stress right now? Why are the central banks looking so fragile? Is it possible to get out of capitalism and its detrimental protocols, which are not so safe as it claims? Can capitalism short itself? Find out about the juxtaposition of politics and finance: the ECSA offer as a short position and a long position.
September 2018
Network derivatives, synthetic indices, distributed value forms
This article discusses the discovering a new distributed value form and value calculus which are different to the capitalist commodity form and calculation of value…
“We have been working on a token which draws on frontier approaches to finance and valuation, accentuating liquid, derivative exposures. Our token issuance will remain in direct proportion to trends in the value of produced output.”
September 2018
Economics back into Cryptoeconomics
This article offers a detailed comparison of definitions relevant to cryptoeconomics, encompassing the components at play. In revealing that the underlying economics of current blockchain endeavors is remarkably conventional and conservative, this articles evinces pathways and hacks towards radical post-capitalist alternatives.