Economic Space Agency – Risking together
Radical Economists, Software architects, Game designers, Activists, Monetary theorists & Content creators deeply passionate about the economy
Akseli Virtanen
Co-Founder, Vision & Strategy
DSc(Econ.), Political economist (Aalto University)
Jorge Lopez
Chief Architect
Distributed systems architect
Pekko Koskinen
Organizational Architect
Game designer
Dick Bryan
Chief Economist
PhD, Prof. Political economy (University of Sydney)
Fabian Bruder
Protocol Designer
Computer Scientist
Jonathan Beller
Economic Media Architect
PhD, Prof. Media (Pratt, NYC)
Joel Mason
Chief of Staff
PhD, New Organizational Systems
Orion Reed
Computational Media & Expression
Knowledge Representation Systems
Marleena Halonen
Systems Designer
Activist Systems Design
Tere Vaden
ECSA Ecological reconstruction
PhD, Prof. Philosophy, BIOS
Pablo Somonte Ruano
Interaction Designer
Experimental interfaces & Transmedia
Jakub Lanc
Organizational Designer
Psychology and Computer science
catherine leigh schmidt
Graphic Designer
Harri Homi
Interaction & Social Design
Designer, MA
Rüzgar Imski
System design
Economic space art
Mikael Brygger
Media sensitive expression
Art & Language. Prof. of Writing (University of Arts Helsinki)
Daniel Shinbaum
Economic Medialogist
AJ Traxler
Software Engineer
Mat Slater
CoFi Communication
Advisors and R&D
Composite agents
Luciana Parisi
PhD, Professor Duke University
Algorithmic architectures as constituting modes of behavior. Feminist composite agents.
Ian Grigg
Chief Scientist Mattereum; Architect at ChamaPesa.
Financial Cryptographer, Inventor of Ricardian Contracts & Tripple entry book keeping,
Mark S. Miller
PhD, Computer scientist, Co-Founder Agoric. E programming language designer. Language based secure distributed computation.
Michael Zargham
PhD, Complex Systems Engineer
Founder BlockScience
Economic Media
Robert Meister
Prof. Social and Political Thought, UCSC. Inventor of new financial expressions. Author of Justice is an Option: A Democratic Theory of Finance for the 21st Century
Robert Wosnitzer
Prof. Finance NYU/Stern Business School. Cultures of finance and derivatives specialist.
Mike Rafferty
Prof. Political Economy, RMIT. Author of Capitalism with Derivatives; Risking Together.
Bill Tulloh
Economist at Agoric.
Smart contract pioneer at AMiX, co-founder Agorics Project on markets and computation.
Heterodox Economics
Leanne Ussher
Professor in Economics, Bard College, Associate Editor of Frontiers Blockchain
Hannah Appel
Prof. Economic Anthropology, UCLA Debt Collective, Specialist in economic imagination
Andrea Fumagalli
Prof. Economics University of Pavia Key analyst of Post-Fordist Economy. Exec member Basic Income Network
Carlo Vercellone
Prof. Economics, Sorbonne Leading theorist of cognitive capitalism, immaterial labor, commonfare
Thomas Linder
Blockchain technology expert, Lic.iur. HSG
Partner, MME, Zug
Rika Khurdayan
Virtual currencies & digital securities
Founding partner, KSTechLaw, NYC
Market Making for a Post-Capitalist Future
Benjamin Lee
Qualitative Derivatives
PhD, Prof. Anthropology (The New School); Volatility Working Group NYU
Rafe Furst
Co-founder CrowdFunder, The Crypto Company
World Series of Poker Championship in Pot Limit Holdem
Vinay Gupta
CEO Mattereum,
Ex-Ethereum release coordinator, Strategic Architect Consensys, National Blockchain Strategy Dubai
Brett Scott
Altered states of monetary consciousness. Author of Heretic’s guide to Global Finance
Organizational Expression
Nathan Schneider
CommunityRule, Metagov, Platform Cooperativism.
Prof. of Media Studies, University of Colorado Boulder
Ela Kagel
Platform Cooperativism, dGov, Moneylab
Founder, Supermarkt
Bettina Warburg & Tom Serres
Co-founders, Animal Ventures
Geert Lovink
PhD, Director of Institute of Network Cultures
Social derivatives
Kim Stanley Robinson
PhD, Science fiction writer, ecological and financial activist
Author the Mars Trilogy, New York 2140, The Ministry of the Future
Tiziana Terranova
Prof. Sociology Univ of Naples Key theorist of the effects of information technology on society.
Brian Massumi
Prof. Philosophy, Univ of Montreal, Author of 99 Thesis on the Revaluation of Value
Douglas Rushkoff
Prof. Media Theory & Digital Economics, CUNY
Strange Attractors
Emergence of new social forms. Post-capitalist media. Author of The Second Coming; Futurability; Uprising; Soul at Work.
Financial alchemy
Exploring the structural correspondence between conceptual art and finance capital.
Investigations of high-frequency economics, kabbalistic algorithms, suicidal trading machines, perverting neural networks during their training phase, hunting ghosts in the noise of data traffic.
International artistic initiative. Game design, scenario development, experimental economies
Economic Space Agency is a 21st century economic technology and imagination company.
We are redesigning the convergence of communication, finance and computation in a way that fuses messaging and economy and makes it programmable from below.
We call it the post-capitalist economic media: A set of peer-to-peer economic networking protocols which are open and free to use, give everyone equal capacities of economic expression and are capable of making the value of intangibles, community, research, the biosphere economically expressible and relatable.
We want to create the tech, but also the culture and subjectivity this new media needs!
Our roots are in understanding finance as an expressive medium and using its capacities, lying latent but definitely there, to create different socialities.
Our roots are also in programming as an expressive medium, in stateful languages like Small Talk and Self, cryptographic object capabilities, in multiplayer world creating games and first multi-participant virtual communities like Lucasfilm Habitat. We are thinking money and finance as massive multiplayer protocols, the economy as a game.
The initial research phase took two years. From the beginning we understood that building a technology that makes distributed value creation and expression, exchange, issuance and clearing possible was important, but in itself not enough. Economy is so much more than people transacting with each other.
Our objective is to build a different economic reality. To re-imagine and engineer the economic and organizational dimensions of this reality. Our focus is here: What kind of economics and politics become actually possible when – with the emergence of general purpose distributed computation – our economic-organizational composition becomes a software design question? What kind of economy could correspond to the capabilities of the new network technologies?
The third important part in our work has been the experimentation and play with our own organizational protocol. Including its human relatability. We have started to open source economic space agency itself, that is, the ECSA organizational protocol that allows both open and flexible engagement and participation, but also more focused and tighter organized sub-teams coordinated by a virtual keel of peer-to-peer stakeholding and risking together.
We have set up a resilient infrastructural-legal interface for the long term success of the project. We think it is necessary for a heterogenous enough team to be together for a long enough time.
We have designed ECSA as a social derivative: ECSA is a collective risk generating and arbitraging practice, a practice which arbitrages and leverages on our ability to act together on an opening or an opportunity. It is structured to allow us to value and sense the ways we are linked together – it makes our flows of stakes and risks intertwined in a way that articulates and expands our “indebtedness” to one another, that we are making this together. That we are in this together.
- 01/2012 – Robin Hood Minor Asset Management, a decentralized hedge fund, established as the team’s first attempt at open sourcing finance
- 09/2012 – Famous presentation of Robin Hood at Kassel Documenta(13) which annoys everyone
- 09/2013 – $100k Granted by Kone Foundation for development work
- 12/2013 – Crypto-equity concept developed
- 06/2014 – Robin Hood team moves to California. Collaboration with the Bruce Initiative for Rethinking Capitalism/UCSC (prof. Robert Meister, Benjamin Lozano) and the Volatility Working Group in NYC (profs. Benjamin Lee, Robert Wosnitzer, Dick Bryan, Jonathan Beller). Their members join the now emerging ECONOMIC SPACE AGENCY project
- 04/2015 – Economic Space Agency core idea published in April in Milan (Macao Open Office): Equity, Options, Assemblage
- 06/2015 – Offer as the key organizational primitive by Pekko, Harri and Tere
- 08/2015 – London Open Office with Ian Grigg, Vinay Gupta, Brett Scott, Tiziana Terranova among others
- 12/2015 – Athens Open Office with Andrea Fumagalli, Carlo Vercellone, Tiziana Terranova, Robert Meister
- 03/2016 – Economic Space Agency founded in Palo Alto. Jorge Lopez joins the team, ECSA starts to think and develop beyond blockchain
- 08/2016 – The ECSA team moves to Oakland to live and work in a shared house. The ECSA Garage becomes the place where everyone wants to stay and play: Metamask crew, friends from Holochain, o-cap, Secure Scuttlebot, Singularity Net, and Ethereum are frequent visitors.
- 11/2016 – The first ECSA event in Oakland at OmniCommons. Everybody comes: Rafe Furst, Mark S. Miller, Dick Bryan, Brian Massumi, Erin Manning, Goldin & Senneby, Jonathan Beller, Robert Wosnitzer, Erik Bordeleau, Joel Mason, Laura Lotti, Skye Boughsty-Marshall etc. join the team.
- 01/2017 – The first round of angel investment
- 05/2017 – “Space: Programmable Organization” white paper first draft. Mette starts filming the documentary in Oakland
- 05-09/2017 – Working closely with Mark Miller and Bill Tulloh on “Gravity: A Distributed Smart Contracting Platform” white paper
- 07/2017 – “Blockchain meets Object Capabilities” at the Foresight Institute in San Francisco with Mark Miller, Zooko Wilcox, Brian Warner, Arthur Breitman, Michael Casey
- 08/2017 – Economic Space Foundation founded in Zug, Switzerland
- 01/2018 – The New Monetary Perspectivism of the Economic Space Agency at Stockholm School of Economics
- 03/2018 – Akseli moves to Stanford University (School of Engineering)
- 05/2018 – Cryptoeconomic Working Session I at NYU/Stern. Mette filming the documentary in NYC.
- 07-08/2018 – Team retreats in Fortes Nuovos, Portugal and Lohja, Finland
- 08/2018 – ECSA team moves to Berlin. Thousand Financial Plateaus: ECSA at Berlin Biennale
- 09/2018 – ECSA Protocol Organization v.0.5
- 09/2018 – First presentation of the Economic Space Protocol: Distributed Exchange, Synthetic Indices, Network Derivatives, at Token Engineering London
- 10/2018 – Cryptoeconomic Working Session II at NYU/Stern Business School
- 10/2018 – The ECSA Protocol Stack, premier presentation in San Francisco
- 01/2019 – Collaborator Round I. First grants to ECSA Team Association
- 03/2019 – Invitation by Haus der Statistik to erect a permanent residency: ECSA Parc Berlin.
- 03/2019 – ECSA Parc: How to Short Capitalism? First draft of the ECSA Economic Paper
- 04/2019 – Conception of use case: Statista Coin for Haus der Statistik Berlin
- 04/2019 – Santa Cruz Working Sessions II: Economic Paper second draft
- 05/2019 – ECSA Lab: Propositions for a Post-Hayekian Economy, with Kim Stanley Robinson
- 07/2019 – ECSA team Lego Play sessions in Berlin
- 10/2019 – Special session on the ECSA Economic Paper at the MIT Cryptoeconomic Systems Summit
- 02/2020 – ECSA Protocol Organization, iteration 2, ECSA Team Retreat in Santa Cruz
- 03/2020 – External financial instrument with Michael Zargham, The New School, NYC
- 03/2020 – “Protocols for Post-Capitalist Economic Expression” ECSA at MIT Cryptoeconomic Systems Journal’s first conference
- 04/2020 – The Economic Space Protocol – The Internet Economic System paper pre-alpha private review