October 2019
Towards Post-Capitalism
This article discusses a crucial tool that we work with: the notion of a grammar pervading the protocols of Economy.
As all our efforts go into the creation of a language for new forms of economic expression, it should be noted that although ECSA’s grammar is capable of expressing capitalist network protocols, it effectively surpasses them. It can encompass capitalist value calculus, but express more qualified values. The grammar we propose refuse their collapse into the monological value-expression that disqualifies non-money values as economic externalities.
May 2018
cryptoeconomics, cryptoeconomy, Token, valuation
Valuation Crisis and Crypto Economy
Could we think of a thresholding, a binding, an accounting system — a token valuation system — in which organizations operating within ECSA (the so called “economic spaces”, our version of 21st century modes of economic association) nominate the performance criteria by which they want their assets and output to be valued: ways that will specifically address the contributions of intangible capital and immaterial labour, so that social contribution can be recorded in ways that best befit those contributions?
May 2018
cryptoeconomics, meansofexchange, unitofvalue, valuation, value
What is a crypto economy? And why now?
Crypto economy announces new economic possibilities that, while not entirely novel in their vision, are wildly new in the conception of their reach and mode of organization. What are the breakdowns in economic conventions? What are the key features of the emerging crypto economy?